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Open Science Stories Registry

Welcome to the Open Science Stories Registry, a digital anthology of experiences in the realm of Open Science (OS).

We aim to present the diverse impacts of OS, bringing to light to a variety of use cases and stories from across the globe. Each narrative in our portfolio is curated to reveal the innovative actions and forward-thinking strategies and offer a window into the dynamic world of Open Science, showcasing how open collaboration, data sharing, and inclusive practices are reshaping the landscape of research and discovery.

Have your own OS Story to share? Share your story here.

From Sound to Science: Open Science Practices at the RITMO Centre

Improving Reusable Research: ZonMw’s Commitment to Open Science and Data Stewardship

Access for All: How Open Science Fosters Innovation in Food Studies

Empowering Open Science Through Libraries: SDU’s Citizen Science Knowledge Center Drives Innovation

Citizen Science in Action: FLOW Project Mobilizes Communities for Stream Conservation

Transforming Academic Engagement: Success Stories from the Citizen Science Contact Point

OS Story #7

Coming soon

OS Story #8

Coming soon

OS Story #9

Coming soon

OS Story #10

Coming soon

Tell us your Open Science story

We are collecting stories on how Open Science (Open Access to publications, Open/FAIR data and software, collaborations with citizens, innovation) has made a positive or negative impact on your work.

How we will use your story:  We will follow up with you in an interview so we may better understand the enablers, the challenges and the real impact. Given your permission, we would like to further disseminate your story and include in our registry.

Include your title
Max 2000 characters
Provide us with links to possible resources (articles, service site, etc.). Separate with commas.