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PathOS updates: our Fall 2023 highlights

30 October 2023

Fall is always a very busy period full of interesting and insightful events by and for the Open Science community. PathOS project partners attended key events and presented all the latest updates and activities of our project, and you can find more details as well as relevant links related to our participation in key European conferences and meetings below.

CBA Summer School (18-20 September 2023, Milan, Italy)

During the Cost and Benefit Analysis (CBA) Summer School, participants got the opportunity to learn about Open Science evaluation practices from PathOS team members and get acquainted with the overall aims and key objectives of the project, including the development of a CBA framework for Open Science.

Jessica Catalano from CSIL shared key insights into the design of a comprehensive framework aimed at evaluating Open Science practices, a work in progress, evolving as the project will unfold.

Despoina Sousoni from ELIXIR enriched this session by highlighting the key aspects that will be addressed in the PathOS case study on open bioinformatics resources.

4th Open Science Fair (25-27 September, Madrid, Spain)

PathOS had a strong presence during the 4th Open Science Fair, this year hosted in Madrid Spain.

We joined forces with the OPUS and GraspOS projects to organize and present our work during the “Monitoring Open Science in the context of incentives and rewards for Open Science” workshop. Ioanna Grypari (Athena RC), our project coordinator, highlighted the project’s objective to identify and quantify the Key Impact Pathways of Open Science in science, society and economy to improve understanding and lead to effective policy-making.

The first insights on the evidence of Open Science impact were also presented (you can find our full scoping literature review here) and the key takeaways from our engagement with policy makers and the case study focus groups.

You can find the full presentation and more details on the workshop here.

We also joined the poster session, and Istvan Karasz from Technopolis Group, introduced and presented our poster highlighting the current challenges of understanding and measuring Open Science impact and the PathOS contribution and methodology in addressing them.

You can explore our poster here.

STI 2023 (27-29 September, Leiden, The Netherlands)

We were very proud to officially launch and present the PathOS Open Science Indicator Handbook during the 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators. Vincent Traag from CWTS, introduced the first version of the handbook aiming to make the distinction between impact itself, as well as the effect of Open Science on impact. The handbook will touch upon academic, societal, economic impact attributed to Open Science and currently is and will remain open to community feedback.

You can find the full presentation here.

Find out more and explore our handbook here.


➡️Curious to find out more about PathOS activities and results? Check out our Zenodo community for all publications.

➡️The PathOS project is committed to advancing its research agenda and understanding the impacts of Open Science. Follow us on our recently launched LinkedIn page and twitter to stay up to date.

Written by

Athina Papadopoulou
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