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Reflecting on the 1st PathOS General Assembly

28 November 2023

In early November, the PathOS project held its inaugural General Assembly and International Advisory Board meetings followed by an intensive technical session in Athens, Greece, in a hybrid format. Hosted by project coordinator Athena RC, this was a key moment to reflect on progress and strategize for challenges ahead.

The interaction with the PathOS International Advisory Board was invaluable, offering diverse perspectives that significantly shaped our strategic direction, particularly in enhancing the sustainability and impact of our outcomes.

This year's significant achievements include completing an extensive scoping review, with three ensuing preprints due in early 2024 set to enrich our knowledge base. We also plan to make a Zotero library publicly accessible.

The development of the Open Science Intervention Logic marks a key preparatory step for the anticipated Open Science Impact Pathways model in Spring 2024. This model, crucial to PathOS and validated through our case studies, is designed to cohesively link various aspects of the project.

This year also saw the release of the Open Science Indicator Handbook, a comprehensive guide to Open Science and Reproducibility indicators and open for community feedback via GitHub. As the project evolves, we will continue enhancing this handbook, refining and enriching it with Open Science impact indicators.

Developing a Cost-Benefit Analysis framework for Open Science is also expected to be a key project contribution. This year, we laid the framework's foundation and selected Uniprot (ELIXIR source) and OpenEdition as initial case studies.

On the event's second day, the spotlight was on the PathOS case studies. Discussions centered on causality inference, impact pathways logic, and identifying key impact indicators. This session, one of many in our series of project-wide technical meetings, played a crucial role in enhancing and addressing the project's technical dimensions.

As we continue on this journey, we invite you to stay connected. More updates, insights, and breakthroughs from PathOS are on the horizon.

Check out the PathOS Zenodo community for all published reports and presentations.

Follow us on X and LinkedIn to stay up-to-date with all our activities and developments.

Written by

Athina Papadopoulou
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