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Better understanding and measuring
Open Science impacts and their causal mechanisms

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    Evidence to support a better understanding of the implications of Open Science for science, economy and society.

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    Recommendations to policy makers and other actors in the R&I ecosystem as to how and to what extent Open Science should be promoted in a balanced way.

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    Innovative tools and methods for Open Science impact indicators and Cost Benefit Analysis framework using big data for studying the causal effects of Open Science.

Open Science Impact

PathOS is a Horizon Europe project aiming to collect concrete evidence of Open Science effects, study the pathways of Open Science practices, from input to output, outcome and impact, including the consideration of enabling factors and key barriers.

Unveiling The Impact Of Open Science

The PathOS project continues its journey towards a better understanding and measuring of Open Science impacts and their causal mechanisms.

Explore our progress & future plans in 2'

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